Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First week of Japanese

I am a native speaker of Korean and am very interested in how languages work. At Princeton, I started learning Chinese as a freshman and even did the Princeton in Beijing program during the summer. After learning Chinese for about three years, I concluded that it was time to learn another new language. Because I have always thought that Japanese was such a beautiful language to speak, I decided to take Japanese 101. The advantage I have as a native speaker of Korean also encouraged me to go for it. I am excited to be able to communicate in Japanese in the future and cannot wait to visit Japan! 
The first few days of Japanese have not been that difficult. Memorizing Hiragana has been the hardest part, but I'll master that pretty soon :) Japanese, はじめまして! 


  1. はじめました!
    あたしも にほんごを べんきゅうします。

    こんしゅうのしゅうまつ なにを たべましたか?

    1. I don't know what that means... but translation says "What did you eat this weekend?" haha I ate にほんご(?) food!

  2. はじめまして!ワン です!どうぞよろしく!


    I see you right now! Actually I shouldn't be writing "Nice to meet you" since you're my roommate, but I'm glad we're taking it together. Is there a Japanese equivalent to 加油!

  3. はじめまして!ぼくは ユン(윤어진)です。 ぼくも かんこくじんです。いま ノートルダムだいがく(Notre Dame)の いちねんせいです。かんこくから きましたか?

    1. こちらこそどうぞよろしく! 정윤하です。かんこくからきました。But I came to Texas when I was 13!

  4. Jeong Yoonha、
    はじめまして。ルイスです。わたしはプリンソトン (Princeton) からきましたでもわたしはノトロダム(Notre Dame)だいがくのがくせい。わたしのはははかんこくからきましたそしてわたしは half かんこくじん, half あめりかじん。I also learned ちゅうごくごin high school, so I feel like we have a lot of similarities! I hope that your にほんごのじゅぎょうはおもしろい。じゃまたね!

    1. こちらこそどうぞよろしく!ありがとうございます。

  5. はじめまして Mulano! わたしはコロンビアダイガク(Columbia)のがくせいです。I am also taking first-year Japanese, and I find the memorization the most difficult as well. But I find the more I practice, the less I have to think about translating the characters. I think speaking and listening is very helpful in gaining fluency. Good luck with everything this year!
